Photo Credits: (via Flickr) – Melissa Vossler
Backpackers, honeymooners, group travelers – whatever travel profile you fit into, you could surely benefit from some savings while traveling, right? When we’re advocating frugality while traveling, we do NOT want you to compromise on the important and fun things – far from it! Instead, here’s some smart tips that would ensure you have your cake and eat it too…
1. Resort v/s Guesthouse or Bed & Breakfast.
Scout for convenient low cost accommodations that offer basic facilities minus the frills. If you’re comfortable living with strangers / families, you could also consider CouchSurfing
2. Set a ‘not to exceed’ daily budget – keep room for extra expenses, but follow it diligently. Additionally, carry only enough cash for the day especially when you’ll be going clubbing. You could even leave back your cards, so you don’t overspend or risk losing it/forgetting it!
3. Expense Tracker – Keep a tab on your daily expenses to avoid going over budget.
It will also help you evaluate where you could possibly cut down your spending on
4. Walk around short distances … or ride a bicycle.
Added benefits: You could also use the exercise 😉 plus you don’t harm the environment!
5. Use local commute like state bus / auto rickshaw / trains or metro for distances that cannot be covered on foot. They are equally comfortable and comparatively cheaper to taxi rides. Plus, you’ll also feel a part of the city and experience the real ‘pulse’ of things!
6. Scout for best deals before settling – that applies for travel and accommodation. Hey, you could actually land up with some stuff you never expected… like complimentary WiFi or even meals included!
7. If staying in a guest house, have at least 1 meal at home.
Stock up on eggs, cereal, milk, tea / coffee and other very basic things you’ll need
8. Do your own laundry whenever possible to avoid fat dry cleaning bills. Don’t go overboard though, you don’t want to miss out on the real fun and travel you signed up for!
9. Explore coffee shops / hangouts that offer free Wi-Fi connectivity – usually, internet comes at a cost premium across cafes in most tourist hotspots. But please don’t be a cheapskate and buy something from them 🙂
10. Plan your travel itinerary to ensure you do not do things that unexpectedly pinch your wallet! Ad hoc activities also come with unexpected or unaccounted for expenses. Weigh activities that you absolutely must do and things that can be eliminated, on a priority scale.
Of course you should do that occasional spur-of-the-moment bungee jump or horse ride when you really want to – but there will be a lot of other times you’d be glad you had some top level plans at least!
Blog Comments
travel man
March 30, 2011 at 10:20 pm
There are a lot of fun things to do on Cape Cod. It is an exciting place where you can find amazing beaches, great lodging, good food and wonderful people!