Secret Rio De Janeiro
For someone who’s spent a month living in Rio de Janeiro, you can bet i have a few secrets for my readers! Just ensure that before you go around spreading the word, you do...
Brasil ♥ India – Here’s proof!
Just as Brazil is as exotic as it gets for us Indians, guess what… India is equally exotic for Brazilians! So much so, that as you travel through the land of samba and sunshine,...
Going vegetarian in South America
Dear vegetarian friends, I’m trying an experiment on my second South America trip… … to go all-vegetarian for at least one of my daily meals. On the surface, it seems like a really tough...
Dealing with Culture Shock in Brazil: How to blend in!
The supreme advantage a desi person has, across South America is the ability to blend in with the help of some basic Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish (all other countries). Besides that, use these nifty...